Thursday, May 30, 2013

What is Love :)

“LOVE” this is not a temporary feeling, if today you love Her like crazy and then after 5 years you do not love the person JUST because you have been with the Her long enough? Then that was NEVER love, so when you love someone you will ALWAYS do..

It’s not that today when you are walking with her you are holding hands and after 5yrs you are walking ahead and she is walking behind u, it’s not that today when you walk to a door and you open it for her and after 5yrs when you walk to a door you just open it for yourself and let her open it for herself, it’s not that today everyone now and then you find a reason to pull her cheeks and after 5yrs you don’t even touch her, it’s not that today you can hug her all day long and after 5yrs when she really needs a hug you have better things to do, it’s not that today you listen to all her stories and after 5yrs she ends up talking to her mirror cause u have no time for her.. That’s no love, if you love your lady today u will always love her cause you might have had a reason why you fell in love with her and she will always have that reason so how could you love her less in the years down the lane.. Love is the Simplest and the Easiest form of Expression and it’s the Easiest of Relationships.. It’s Beautiful if you know what I mean, when the lady you love always keeps you on your toes and makes you smile at the smallest of the things she does.. You would always want that feeling to stay, please treat your lady right cause she looks upon to you so treat her the way she deserves.. It’s not that Hard , if in a day you can sit through a 90mins Football Game, play PS3 for hours, spend time on YouTube, watch millions of TV Series then why can’t you sit with her and give her the time she deserves.. Doesn’t sound that hard yea

I know I have used a lot of words again and again like “5 Years” “Love” “Today” Please do bear with it, it’s just one of those thoughts that came in to my head and I have to put it down in words..

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